
Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de content van dit event. Dit overzicht wordt continu geüpdatet in aanloop naar het event.

McKinsey & Company

Redefining the power industry

Lees de research

Lees de research

McKinsey & Company

Why, and how, utilities should start to manage climate-change risk

Lees de research

Lees de research

McKinsey & Company

Sustainability at a tipping point

Lees de research

Lees de research


Global Energy Transition: Not just an opportunity but a necessity

Lees de research

Lees de research


Global Energy Transition: Insights and research

Lees de research

Lees de research


Infrastructuurfinanciering: Profiteren van de toekomstige economische ontwikkeling

Lees de research

Lees de research


Private assets: Insights and research

Lees de research

Lees de research

Jeroen van der Veer

Transformation of the Global Energy System

Lees de research

Lees de research

Jeroen van der Veer

TOGY talks to Jeroen van der Veer, chairman, supervisory board of ING Group

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Lees de research

Jeroen van der Veer

A glimpse into the future of energy

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Lees de research

Pier Vellinga

Urban heat indicator map for climate adaptation planning

Lees de research

Lees de research

Pier Vellinga

The scientific motivation of the internationally agreed ‘well below 2 °C’ climate protection target: a historical perspective

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Lees de research

Pier Vellinga

Sea-level rise and its possible impacts given a ‘beyond 4◦C world’ in the twenty-first century

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Lees de research

Pier Vellinga

On climate change... Facts, Myths and Serious Questions

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Lees de research

Pier Vellinga

Hoezo klimaatverandering?

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Lees de research

World Economic Forum

Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2019

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Lees de research

World Economic Forum

The countries most ready for the global energy transition

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Lees de research

Chatham House

How the Global Energy Transition is Set to Disrupt the Geopolitical Landscape

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Lees de research

World Economic Forum

The Speed of the Energy Transition Gradual or Rapid Change?

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Lees de research

Universiteit Utrecht

Nature publication: “Electric cars will only become common with a much broader stimulation policy.”

Lees de research

Lees de research

Universiteit Utrecht

Achieving Paris climate targets requires a substantial reallocation of global investments

Lees de research

Lees de research


Global energy transformation: A roadmap to 2050 (2019 edition)

Lees de research

Lees de research


Perspectives for the energy transition: Investment needs for a low-carbon energy system

Lees de research

Lees de research